
Lot Lot 107, Berthon Park, Inverleigh

Property Type: Land
Approx 4500 Square metres

Because where you live is everything

The picturesque township of Inverleigh nestles where the Leigh and the Barwon Rivers meet. Conveniently located approximately 25 minutes from Geelong and 10 minutes from Bannockburn, right on the Hamilton Highway with easy access to the Geelong Ring Rd.

Striking the perfect balance between a quiet rural setting with a deep and proud history, coupled with vibrant village charm; Inverleigh has developed as a popular destination for families seeking a country lifestyle in a safe and welcoming community.

A stones throw west of the historic township of Inverleigh, nestled within a curve of the cool Leigh River lies a shallow gorge lined by majestic river red gums that have stood since before the 1800's. This is Berthon Park.

Named after its original owner Henry de Crillon Berthon, the land was first purchased in June 1856. Twelve suburban allotments formed a small farm of 540 acres. The stables were built in 1856 and the stately homestead Lullote; which still stands today, completed soon after.

Master planned to enhance its natural beauty and wonder, Berthon Park is a haven for families looking to spread their wings on the tranquil banks of the River Leigh.

spacious, leafy life style allotments offering a unique opportunity in this popular country destination. ON SALE NOW



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